Sunday 19 March 2023

The King And His Wisdom


Once upon a time, there was a wise and kind king who ruled over a prosperous kingdom. The king was known throughout the land for his wisdom, fairness, and generosity. His people loved and respected him, and he was beloved by all.

One day, the king decided to go on a journey to see more of his kingdom and meet his people. He rode out on his horse, accompanied by his trusted advisor. As they traveled, they came across a poor farmer who was struggling to make ends meet. The farmer was overjoyed to see the king and begged for his help.

The king listened to the farmer's tale of woe and decided to give him a gift of a bag of gold coins to help him get back on his feet. The farmer was so grateful that he fell to his knees and thanked the king.

As they continued on their journey, the king and his advisor came across a group of young boys playing in a field. The boys were very excited to see the king and ran over to him to say hello. The king asked them what they were doing and they told him they were playing a game of pretend. The king asked them what they were pretending to be, and the boys said they were pretending to be kings and rulers.

The king smiled and said, "Well, I am a king. And I think it's important to remember that being a good ruler means being kind and fair to everyone, no matter who they are."

The boys nodded and continued their game, but the king's words stuck with them. As they grew up, they remembered the king's advice and tried to live their lives with kindness and fairness.

Years later, the king had grown old and was ready to pass on his wisdom to the next generation. He called together a group of young men and women and told them the story of the farmer and the boys in the field. He explained that kindness and fairness were the most important qualities for a ruler to possess, and that they should strive to be like him in their own lives.

And so, the king's legacy lived on, as generation after generation remembered his words and tried to be kind and fair to everyone they met. And even though the king was long gone, his wisdom and kindness continued to inspire his people for many years to come.

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