Sunday 12 March 2023

Soccer Player

Once upon a time, there was a young boy who loved to play soccer. He would practice every day, dreaming of becoming a professional soccer player one day.

One day, the boy saw a sign that said a famous soccer coach was coming to town to hold tryouts for his team. The boy was excited and decided to attend the tryouts.

During the tryouts, the boy played his heart out, but the coach did not select him for the team. The boy was devastated and went home feeling discouraged.

However, the boy did not give up on his dream. He continued to practice every day, and a few months later, the coach returned to town for another tryout. This time, the boy was determined to make the team.

At the tryouts, the boy played even better than before, impressing the coach with his skills and determination. The coach selected him for the team, and the boy was thrilled.

Years later, the boy grew up to become a professional soccer player, achieving his dream. When asked about his success, he said that being rejected by the coach the first time motivated him to work even harder and never give up on his dream.

The moral of the story is that rejection and failure can be difficult to handle, but they can also be opportunities to learn and grow. If you stay determined and continue to work hard, you can achieve your dreams.

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