Monday 3 April 2023

The Magical Pen | Comedy Play | English Drama | Comedy English Play Script with Moral

 Title: The Magical Pen


  • Tom, a young man
  • Jack, Tom's best friend
  • Linda, Jack's girlfriend
  • Old man, a wise character

Scene: A park bench

Act 1

Tom is sitting on a bench in the park, writing in his notebook with a pen.

Jack enters the scene.

Jack: Hey, Tom. What are you writing?

Tom: Oh, just some notes for my novel. I got this new pen, and it's working wonders for my writing.

Jack: A pen? That's it? I don't think a pen can make that much of a difference.

Linda enters the scene.

Linda: Hey guys, what's up?

Tom: I got this new pen, and it's making my writing amazing.

Jack: Yeah, he thinks it's magical or something.

Linda: A magical pen? I want to try it.

Tom hands Linda the pen, and she writes something in her notebook.

Linda: Wow, this is incredible. I feel like I can write a whole book now.

Act 2

An old man enters the scene.

Old man: Excuse me, young people. I couldn't help but overhear you talking about a magical pen.

Tom: Yes, it's amazing. It's making our writing so much better.

Old man: Let me tell you something. It's not the pen that's magical. It's your imagination and creativity.

Jack: What do you mean?

Old man: A pen is just a tool. It's what you do with it that matters. You have to believe in yourself and your ideas. That's where the real magic comes from.

Tom: You're right. I never thought about it that way.

Linda: Me neither.

Act 3

Tom hands the old man the pen.

Tom: Here, you can have it.

Old man: Thank you, young man. But I don't need a magical pen. I have my imagination and creativity.

The old man leaves, and Tom, Jack, and Linda sit on the bench, contemplating what he said.

Jack: That old man was right. It's not the pen that's magical. It's what we do with it.

Linda: We have to believe in ourselves and our ideas.

Tom: And work hard to make them come to life.

Moral: It's not the tools that make us successful. It's our creativity, imagination, and hard work. We should believe in ourselves and our ideas, and work hard to make them a reality.

The Lost Coin | English Play | Skit with Moral | School Drama

 Title: The Lost Coin


  • Sarah, a young girl
  • Emily, Sarah's best friend
  • Mrs. Johnson, Sarah's mother
  • Mr. Brown, a neighbor

Scene: Sarah's house and the neighborhood

Act 1

Sarah is playing with her best friend Emily in her room. They are having fun playing with their dolls.

Emily: Sarah, have you seen my necklace? It was a gift from my grandmother.

Sarah: No, I haven't seen it. Did you check your bag?

Emily: Yes, I did. I can't find it anywhere.

Mrs. Johnson enters the room.

Mrs. Johnson: What's going on, girls?

Emily: I lost my necklace, Mrs. Johnson. It's very precious to me.

Mrs. Johnson: Don't worry, Emily. I'm sure it will turn up.

Act 2

Later that day, Sarah and her mother go to the grocery store. On their way back, they see Mr. Brown searching for something on the ground.

Mrs. Johnson: Is everything okay, Mr. Brown?

Mr. Brown: I lost a coin. It's a special one. I've been collecting coins for years, and this one is very valuable to me.

Sarah: We can help you look for it, Mr. Brown.

Mr. Brown: That would be very kind of you, Sarah. Thank you.

They all start searching for the lost coin.

Act 3

After a while, Sarah sees something shiny under a tree. She picks it up and realizes it's Emily's necklace.

Sarah: Mom, look! I found Emily's necklace.

Mrs. Johnson: That's great news, Sarah. Let's go give it to her.

Emily is overjoyed to have her necklace back.

Emily: Thank you so much, Sarah. You're the best friend ever.

Sarah: I'm happy to help. But wait, there's more. Look what I found.

Sarah shows Emily and Mrs. Johnson the lost coin.

Mr. Brown: That's my coin! Where did you find it?

Sarah: Under that tree over there.

Mr. Brown: You are a smart and honest girl, Sarah. Thank you for finding my coin.

Mrs. Johnson: See, Emily? When you lose something, it's always best to tell someone. You never know who might help you find it.

Moral: Honesty and kindness always lead to good things. When you lose something, don't be afraid to ask for help. And if you find something that belongs to someone else, do the right thing and return it.

Friday 24 March 2023

The Loyal Pet Pluto, The Dog

Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a loyal dog named Pluto. Pluto was very devoted to his owner and would always obey his every command. One day, the farmer needed to go to the city to sell his crops, and he had to leave Pluto behind to take care of the farm.

Before he left, the farmer warned Pluto to be careful of the foxes that often came around the farm looking for food. He told Pluto that he must protect the farm at all costs and not let any foxes in.

Pluto took his owner's words seriously and guarded the farm with all his might. One day, a hungry and sly fox came to the farm, and Pluto saw it. The fox begged Pluto to let him in, promising not to harm anything. But Pluto remembered his owner's words and refused to let the fox in.

The fox, being sly and cunning, started to flatter Pluto, saying he was the most intelligent and loyal dog he had ever met. Pluto, being happy to hear these words, started to wag his tail and let the fox in.

Once inside, the fox stole all the chickens and ran away. When the farmer came back, he found out what had happened and scolded Pluto for letting his guard down. Pluto felt ashamed and realized that he had let his owner down by not sticking to his moral values.

The moral of the story is that one should always stick to their moral values, even if they are tempted to do otherwise. It is important to be loyal and trustworthy, just like Pluto, who learned this lesson the hard way.

Monday 20 March 2023

The Parable Of The Good Samaritan


One moral story from the Bible is the parable of the Good Samaritan, found in the Gospel of Luke.

In this story, a man was robbed, beaten and left for dead on the side of the road. A priest and a Levite, both religious leaders, passed by the man but did not stop to help him. However, a Samaritan, a person who was despised by the Jews, stopped and went out of his way to help the injured man. The Samaritan took the man to an inn and paid for his care until he was well enough to leave.

The moral of the story is that true compassion and love for others transcend social and cultural barriers. Jesus used this parable to teach his followers to show mercy and compassion to all, regardless of their background or social status. This story encourages us to be kind and helpful to others, and to be willing to go out of our way to help those in need.

Sunday 19 March 2023

Man Without Arms And Legs | Life Without Limbs

Once upon a time, there was a young man named Nick Vujicic who was born without arms or legs. As a child, Nick struggled with depression and loneliness, often feeling like he had no purpose in life. However, he refused to let his disability define him, and instead, he focused on what he could do instead of what he couldn't.

Nick discovered a passion for motivational speaking and began sharing his story of overcoming adversity and finding hope and purpose in life. He traveled the world, speaking to audiences of all ages and backgrounds, inspiring them to overcome their own challenges and pursue their dreams.

Despite the many obstacles he faced, Nick never gave up on his dreams. He went on to become a successful author, actor, and entrepreneur, and he founded an organization called Life Without Limbs, which supports and encourages people with disabilities around the world.

Through his incredible determination, resilience, and positive attitude, Nick has become a beacon of hope for millions of people around the world. His story is a testament to the power of the human spirit and the importance of never giving up on your dreams, no matter how challenging the road may seem.

The King And His Wisdom


Once upon a time, there was a wise and kind king who ruled over a prosperous kingdom. The king was known throughout the land for his wisdom, fairness, and generosity. His people loved and respected him, and he was beloved by all.

One day, the king decided to go on a journey to see more of his kingdom and meet his people. He rode out on his horse, accompanied by his trusted advisor. As they traveled, they came across a poor farmer who was struggling to make ends meet. The farmer was overjoyed to see the king and begged for his help.

The king listened to the farmer's tale of woe and decided to give him a gift of a bag of gold coins to help him get back on his feet. The farmer was so grateful that he fell to his knees and thanked the king.

As they continued on their journey, the king and his advisor came across a group of young boys playing in a field. The boys were very excited to see the king and ran over to him to say hello. The king asked them what they were doing and they told him they were playing a game of pretend. The king asked them what they were pretending to be, and the boys said they were pretending to be kings and rulers.

The king smiled and said, "Well, I am a king. And I think it's important to remember that being a good ruler means being kind and fair to everyone, no matter who they are."

The boys nodded and continued their game, but the king's words stuck with them. As they grew up, they remembered the king's advice and tried to live their lives with kindness and fairness.

Years later, the king had grown old and was ready to pass on his wisdom to the next generation. He called together a group of young men and women and told them the story of the farmer and the boys in the field. He explained that kindness and fairness were the most important qualities for a ruler to possess, and that they should strive to be like him in their own lives.

And so, the king's legacy lived on, as generation after generation remembered his words and tried to be kind and fair to everyone they met. And even though the king was long gone, his wisdom and kindness continued to inspire his people for many years to come.

Thursday 16 March 2023

Perseverance And Determination


Once upon a time, there was a young boy named John who lived in a small town. John was born with a physical disability that affected his legs, making it difficult for him to walk. Despite his limitations, John never gave up on his dreams of becoming a successful athlete and inspiring others.

One day, the town organized a charity race to raise money for a local charity. John decided to participate in the race, even though he knew it would be challenging for him. As the race began, John struggled to keep up with the other runners, but he refused to give up.

Along the way, many people in the crowd began to notice John's determination and cheered him on, encouraging him to keep going. Despite the pain and exhaustion, John persevered and crossed the finish line, last but not least.

The crowd erupted into thunderous applause as John collapsed in exhaustion. One man, who was moved by John's perseverance, came forward and offered to coach him. With the help of his coach, John trained hard and eventually became an accomplished athlete, winning several medals and inspiring many others along the way.

The moral of this story is that perseverance and determination can overcome any obstacle. No matter how difficult the challenge may seem, we should never give up on our dreams and always strive to achieve our goals, one step at a time. With hard work and the support of others, anything is possible.

The Farmer And The Horse

 Once upon a time, there was a farmer who had a horse that he treasured. One day, the horse ran away and was nowhere to be found. His neighbors came to comfort him, saying how unfortunate it was for him to lose such a valuable animal.

The farmer replied, "Maybe."

A few days later, the horse returned, bringing with it a herd of wild horses. The neighbors came again to congratulate him, saying how lucky he was to have so many horses now.

The farmer replied, "Maybe."

One day, the farmer's son was riding one of the wild horses, trying to tame it. The horse bucked and threw him off, breaking the son's leg. The neighbors came once more to express their sorrow, saying how unlucky the farmer was to have his son injured.

The farmer replied, "Maybe."

Soon after, a war broke out in their country and all able-bodied young men were drafted to fight. But since the farmer's son had a broken leg, he was spared from the draft. The neighbors came again to say how lucky the farmer was that his son didn't have to go to war.

The farmer replied, "Maybe."

This story teaches us that we never know what the future holds and that events that appear negative at first can actually turn out to be blessings in disguise. We should always strive to stay positive and embrace every challenge and opportunity that comes our way, with a humble and open-minded attitude.

Wednesday 15 March 2023

Moral Story | Never Loose Hope

There was once a young boy named Jack who lived in a small village at the foot of a mountain. Jack was known throughout the village for his kind heart and positive attitude, despite the many challenges he faced in his life.

One day, Jack decided that he wanted to climb the mountain. It was a daunting task, and many people in the village told him that it was impossible. But Jack refused to be deterred. He knew that if he set his mind to something, he could accomplish anything.

So, Jack began his ascent up the mountain. The climb was difficult, and at times he felt like giving up. But every time he felt discouraged, he reminded himself of why he had started the climb in the first place. He wanted to prove to himself and to others that anything is possible with determination and perseverance.

As Jack climbed higher and higher, he encountered obstacles along the way. The weather was unpredictable, and the terrain was treacherous. But Jack remained steadfast in his resolve, never losing sight of his goal.

Finally, after many hours of climbing, Jack reached the summit of the mountain. He stood at the top, looking out at the breathtaking view, feeling a sense of accomplishment that he had never felt before.

From that day forward, Jack became an inspiration to others in the village. People looked up to him and admired his tenacity and determination. He showed them that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and work hard towards your goals.

As Jack looked back on his journey up the mountain, he realized that it wasn't just the destination that mattered, but the journey itself. He had learned valuable lessons along the way, and had grown stronger and more resilient because of them.

And so, Jack continued to inspire others with his story, reminding them that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. He had proven to himself and to others that the only limitations we face are the ones we place on ourselves.

The Mysterious Cave | Moral Story | Inspirational Story

Once upon a time, in a small village in India, there lived a young boy named Rohit. He was a curious and adventurous boy who loved exploring the world around him. One day, while playing in the fields, he stumbled upon a mysterious cave.

Filled with excitement, Rohit entered the cave and began exploring its dark, winding passages. As he made his way deeper into the cave, he suddenly heard a loud noise behind him. Terrified, he turned around to see that the entrance of the cave had closed shut, leaving him trapped inside.

For hours, Rohit wandered through the dark and damp passages of the cave, hoping to find a way out. But the more he searched, the more lost he became. As the hours turned into days, Rohit grew increasingly weak and hungry, and he began to lose all hope of ever escaping the cave.

Just when he was about to give up, Rohit heard a faint voice calling out to him. Following the voice, he stumbled upon a small underground pond. Sitting by the pond was an old man, who introduced himself as the keeper of the cave.

The old man told Rohit that he had been trapped in the cave for many years, and that he had come to realize that the cave was not a prison, but a place of great wisdom and knowledge. Over time, the old man had learned many valuable lessons about life, and he was now eager to pass on his wisdom to the young boy.

For the next several days, the old man taught Rohit many valuable lessons about life, including the importance of patience, persistence, and perseverance. He also taught Rohit the value of kindness, compassion, and forgiveness, and encouraged him to always treat others with respect and dignity.

With each passing day, Rohit felt himself growing stronger and wiser, and he began to see the world around him in a whole new light. He also began to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the cave, and he was no longer afraid of being trapped inside.

Eventually, the old man showed Rohit a secret passage that led out of the cave. As they said their goodbyes, the old man reminded Rohit of the many lessons he had learned, and urged him to use them to live a happy and fulfilling life.

Years later, Rohit had grown into a wise and compassionate man, who was respected and admired by all who knew him. He often thought back to his time in the cave, and remembered the valuable lessons he had learned from the old man.

He knew that without the old man's guidance, he would never have become the person he was today. And he was grateful for the many blessings and opportunities life had bestowed upon him, knowing that he had earned them through hard work, perseverance, and a commitment to doing what was right.

In the end, Rohit realized that life is a journey filled with challenges and obstacles, but also with great joy and fulfillment. And he knew that no matter where his journey took him, he would always carry with him the lessons he had learned in the cave, and the wisdom of the old man who had shown him the way.

Tuesday 14 March 2023

Magical Tree


Once upon a time, there lived a boy named Jack. Jack was a curious and adventurous boy, always looking for new things to discover and explore. One day, Jack decided to go on a journey to find a magical tree that was said to grant wishes to those who found it.

Jack set out on his journey with a sense of excitement and determination. He walked for days and nights, through forests and mountains, facing many obstacles and challenges along the way. But Jack refused to give up, and he continued on his journey, driven by his desire to find the magical tree.

Finally, after many weeks of wandering, Jack came across a beautiful forest. The trees were tall and green, and the air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers. Jack knew that this was the place where the magical tree was supposed to be. He searched the forest for hours, but he could not find the tree anywhere.

Just as Jack was about to give up, he came across an old man sitting by a stream. The old man looked wise and kind, and Jack approached him and asked if he knew where the magical tree was.

The old man smiled and said, "Yes, I know where the tree is. But before I tell you, I want to ask you something. What is the greatest wish you have ever had?"

Jack thought for a moment and said, "I have always wished to be rich and powerful. With wealth and power, I could do anything I want and go anywhere I want."

The old man nodded and said, "I see. But let me tell you something. Wealth and power may bring you temporary happiness, but true happiness and contentment come from within. You will never find lasting happiness by chasing after material possessions."

Jack was taken aback by the old man's words. He had never thought about true happiness and contentment before. He realized that he had been chasing after the wrong things all this time.

The old man continued, "The magical tree you seek is not just a tree. It represents the inner peace and contentment that you seek. If you want to find it, you must first learn to be happy with what you have and appreciate the simple things in life."

Jack listened to the old man's words and felt a sense of calm and peace wash over him. He realized that he had been so focused on his own desires and ambitions that he had forgotten to appreciate the beauty and wonder of the world around him.

From that day on, Jack's journey took on a new meaning. He no longer cared about finding the magical tree or gaining wealth and power. Instead, he focused on learning about the world, meeting new people, and experiencing new things. He found joy in the simple things, like a beautiful sunset or a warm cup of tea.

As time passed, Jack's perspective on life changed completely. He learned that true happiness and contentment come from within, and that the most valuable things in life are not material possessions, but the experiences and relationships that we cherish.

In the end, Jack never did find the magical tree. But he didn't need to. He had found something much more precious - a sense of inner peace and contentment that he knew would stay with him for the rest of his life.

Ali in the Desert

Once upon a time, there was a small village situated on the edge of a vast desert. In this village lived a young boy named Ali who was known for his intelligence and wit. One day, Ali's village was hit by a terrible drought that lasted for several months. The crops withered, the rivers dried up, and the villagers were left with barely enough water to drink.

Ali, who was always eager to help others, came up with a plan to find a solution to the water crisis. He went to the village elders and told them that he would find a way to bring water to the village. The elders were skeptical, but Ali was determined to prove them wrong.

One day, Ali set out on a long journey across the desert in search of water. He walked for several days, enduring the scorching heat and the treacherous sand dunes. He was about to give up when he saw a small oasis in the distance. As he got closer, he saw that the oasis was guarded by a fierce-looking lion.

Ali was frightened but did not lose hope. He knew that he had to find a way to get past the lion to reach the water. He remembered a story his father had told him about a wise man who had tamed a wild horse by talking to it. Ali decided to try the same approach with the lion.

He approached the lion slowly, speaking to it in a calm and soothing voice. To his surprise, the lion did not attack him. Instead, it listened to his words and allowed him to pass. Ali filled his water skins with water from the oasis and started his journey back to the village.

On his way back, Ali encountered a group of travelers who were lost in the desert. They had run out of water and were on the verge of dying of thirst. Ali shared his water with them and guided them to the nearest town where they could find shelter.

When he finally reached his village, Ali was greeted with cheers and applause. The villagers were overjoyed to see him alive and well. He had brought back water from the oasis, but more importantly, he had taught them a valuable lesson about kindness and compassion.

The moral of the story is that even in the most challenging of circumstances, one can find a way to overcome them through determination, resourcefulness, and kindness. Ali's courage and compassion helped him overcome his fears and find a way to bring water to his village. His selfless act of sharing water with the travelers he met on his way back showed that true happiness lies in helping others.

The Magical Pen | Comedy Play | English Drama | Comedy English Play Script with Moral

  Title: The Magical Pen Characters: Tom, a young man Jack, Tom's best friend Linda, Jack's girlfriend Old man, a wise character Sce...